( V - 34 ) Just as butter exists in milk and just as liquidity exists in water, even so as the energy of consciousness I exist in all that exists.
( V - 19 ) Brother, why do you bring this dreadful sorrow upon yourself?
The blindness of ignorance alone is the cause of this torrential downpour of tears from your eyes.
( VI.1 - 59 ) What appears to be the world here is truly the magic (the work) of the infinite consciousness.
There is no unity here, nor is there duality.
My instructions too, are of the same nature!
The words, their meaning, the disciple, the wish (or the effort of the disciple), and the guru's ability in the use of the words - all these are also the play of the energy of the infinite consciousness!
( VI.2 - 143 ) The one pure consciousness appears as the diverse dream-objects in a dream.
All these millions of objects which appear in the dream become one again in deep sleep.
( VI.2 - 190 ) O Rama, for want of a cause, there is no illusion either.
All this (I, you, and all the rest of it) is the one infinite peace.
( VI.2 - 20 21 ) One should work in this world as much as is needed to earn an honest living.
One should live (eat) in order to sustain the life-force.
One should sustain one's life force only for the sake of acquiring knowledge.
One should enquire into and how that which frees him from sorrow.
( VI.2 - 87 ) When I thus stood contemplating these notions and experiences, that state of my being is known by people like you as I-ness or ego-sense.
( III - 76 77 ) For, whoever wishes to enjoy unalloyed happiness, fame and long life, should by all means honour and worship good men, by giving them all that they might wish to have.
( VI.1 - 94 ) Its abandonment or renunciation is easy, easily accomplished, more delightful than even the sovereignty over a kingdom, and more beautiful than a flower.