The Supreme Yoga

Prayer before the daily reading


Om Tat Sat

Om Namah Sivanandaya

Om Namah Nayarayana

Om Namah Venkatesaya

Om Namah Shivaya


yatah sarvani bhutani pratibhanti sthitani ca

yatrai vo pasamam yanti tasmai satyatmane namah (1)

jnata jnanam tatha jneyam drasta darsana drsyabhuh

karta hetuh kriya yasmat tasmai jnaptyatmane namah (2)

sphuranti sikara yasmad anandasya mbare vanau

sarvesam jivanam tasmai brahmanandatmane namah (3)


Salutations to that reality in which all the elements, and all the animate and inanimate beings shine as if they have an independent existence, and in which they exist for a time and into which they merge.

Salutations to that consciousness which is the source of the apparently distinct threefold divisions of knower, knowledge and known, seer, sight and seen, doer, doing and deed.

Salutations to that bliss absolute - the ocean of bliss, which is the life of all beings whose happiness and unfoldment is derived from the shower of spray from that ocean of bliss.


Om Tat Sat

Om Namah Sivanandaya

Om Namah Nayarayana

Om Namah Venkatesaya

Om Namah Shivaya


© Venkatesananda & Chiltern Yoga Trust

Swami Venkatesananda Legacy Rights

May God bless you all with health, long life, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment.

May you all walk in the Light of God, with God with your hand in His, with the whole of you in His Palm.

Live in God. Love in God. Serve God in all beings.

May that Supreme Being dwell in your eyes, in your heart, seeing His Own Self in all; seeing God Himself in all.

May we thus swim in the Ocean of Bliss.

May that Peace that passeth all understanding dwell in your heart, radiate from every pore of your skin,

bathing everyone who comes within the circle of your aura with that inexpressible peace.

May harmony radiate from you, dispelling the darkness of disharmony wherever it is found.

May bliss radiate from you, dispelling the gloom of suffering, misery, pain - physical, mental, moral and spiritual.

May God lead us from the Unreal to the Real, from darkness to light, from mortality to immortality.

Assert every moment of your life - I am not the body, I am not this finite, limited mind, I am the Immortal Self.

May you be established in that Self-Realisation right now.

May God bless you all with health, long life, prosperity, and spiritual inlightenment.


Swami Venkatesananda

Om Namah Shivaya - Om Namah Venkatesaya
