Aware of the thorn, of the venomous snake, one is constantly on guard, one-pointedly, this above all!
Vigilance until the last breath!
You love your friend, child, wife, Master, etc.
But, you should become aware of it as love - this awareness is division.
Then this love should be sublimated into devotion to the divine presence in all of them.
You see the tree, the sapling or the shoot.
But the shoot is not an isolated event - it is connected to the tree.
If you scratch my back, I purr, and if you squeeze my tail, I jump on you.
It doesn't seem to make any sense at all.
One who is intent on discovering his identity does not react, and the problem does not arise in his heart: "Must I conform or must I non-conform?"
It does not take two to make a quarrel, but only one, and that one is "me".
If "I" will not quarrel, no one can make me quarrel, no one can quarrel with me.
At once there is peace, harmony, health and happiness in me, and in my relationship with others.